Before their escape, one of the robbers shot the counting room manager… in the groin, of all places! The men managed to escape with the cash. According to reports, workers hardly noticed the intruders until they seized the money. The three geriatric burglars entered the casino by opening a skylight and quietly lowering themselves into the room used for counting money. On September 8, 2011, three casino robbers in their 60s stole millions of pesos. Movies like Ocean’s 11 might give the impression of a slim and stealthy Brad Pitt lookalike sneaking into a casino, but that wasn’t the case for a casino robbery in Argentina. Three elderly men robbed $240K from a casino in Argentina by lowering themselves through a skylight in the room used for counting money. Anyone that attempts a casino heist certainly has the cards stacked against them, but sometimes, people do manage to pull off such a stunt. Still plenty of people around the world have tried to make like Danny Ocean and steal from a casino. Gambling establishments keep their money well protected with elaborate security systems, hundreds of live cameras, and an extensive staff keeping their eyes on the tables. Make no mistake about it - robbing a casino is no piece of cake.